
The Importance of Failure

Sometimes you win, and that's fun. But sometimes you lose, and that's probably more important and useful.

Tags: Tags/Growth, Life
Toby Chin

Toby Chin

2 min read
Using a Custom RSpec Matcher to Check Hash Contents

Have you ever needed to use a unit test to validate some deeply nested data? Here is my experience and how I accomplished it.

Tags: Ruby, RSpec
Toby Chin

Toby Chin

5 min read
Launching Arbor Digital

Arbor Digital is a new digital solutions provider, here to help you meet your business goals.

Tags: Tags/News
Toby Chin

Toby Chin

1 min read
Ruby Returns, Conditionals, and the 'and' Keyword

A look into how `and` and `or` works in the Ruby language.

Tags: Ruby, RSpec
Toby Chin

Toby Chin

3 min read
Wherever You Look

Wherever you're looking is where you'll end up. Be careful what you gaze upon.

Tags: Life, Tags/Vision
Toby Chin

Toby Chin

2 min read